Yi Wu Mountain "Chen Xiang" Raw Pu-erh Tea Sampler
Get to know Yi Wu Mountain teas that have matured into an aged tea with a Chen Xiang 陈香 (means "Aged Aroma") character.
We are offering these aged Yi Wu teas from various storage conditions:
25 grams - 2006 Hong Xuan "Yi Wu Zheng Shan" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake - 2003 Harvested tea, stored in both Yi Wu and Kunming.
25 grams - 2002 Yi Wu Mountain "Spring Tips" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake - A lovely Guangdong aged Yi Wu with moderate aging.
25 grams - 2005 Xiangming "Big Green Tree" Yi Wu Mountain Raw Pu-erh Tea - It was pressed in 2005 and then aged in Guangzhou since then until April 2020 when it was purchased by us.
25 grams - 2007 Yi Wu Zheng Shan "Jin Tai Hao" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake - The tea was aged in Jinghong in Xishuangbanna for 11 years before being purchased and brought to Kunming in January 2018. The wetter aging condition has transformed this tea into an incredibly sweet pu-erh with a kind of mild rum and raisin spice to it.
25 grams - 2000 Yi Wu "Huang Pian" Matured Leaves Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake - Picked from 2000 Spring matured leaves from Yi Wu area tea trees and then pressed and stored in Kunming for 17 years! This tea brews up an active and bright (both in color and taste) tea soup with a kind of of spicy herbal sweetness.
10 grams - 2011 Yunnan Sourcing "Autumn Gua Feng Zhai" Raw Pu-erh Tea of Yi Wu - An early YS pressing of Autumn tea. Stored in Kunming.
*** Wrappers shown are for full cakes only. Samples are packaged in pouches. ***