Good stuff right here. This Mi Lan is tutti-frutti with a big fat booty; and just like yours truly, it would benefit tremendously from getting baked again in the near future. :)
Not that this tea isn’t good enough as it is, just that it’s got some sharp edges to it. The roast has teeth, and it will bite if you over-steep it, so pay attent
...Read MoreRead more about Good stuff right here. This Mi Lan ision as you give these leaves a bath. It’s not hard to have a great session though, this is a pretty easy one to brew up and enjoy. It's seductive and addictive - it'll pull you right in and keep you intrigued across the whole session.
Keep your steep times short and you’ll probably discover the same thing I did: tons of pungent fruity-floral-honey notes that are pervasive and don’t let off, from rinsed leaf to final waft that you can get off the bottom of a cup as it cools. It’s a complex aroma. It doesn’t stick on the bottom of the cup nearly as long as other dan cong, but it sure is powerful while it’s there. The aftertaste is great, on my palate it lasts for about an hour and has a nice mouthfeel to it.
It’s priced well relative to its quality too. This Mi Lan is more fancy and buttoned-up when compared to the other Mi Lan offerings here in the YS catalog, but also brings with it entirely new layers of experience. It’s like watching a movie in 3D versus on a flat screen… there’s just so much more to explore with this one, especially if you’ve had a few dan cong and want to take things to the next level.
I would recommend this to anybody who has taste buds – you need to try this. I shared this with somebody who had never heard of dan cong before, and she fell in love immediately. Read LessRead less about Good stuff right here. This Mi Lan is