2006 Changtai "65th Anniversary of Tong An Teahouse" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
Another wonderful Guangdong dry-storage Changtai cake made in honor of Hong Kong's Tong An Teahouse!
A blend of high quality wild arbor material from spring 2006 was blended together and then pressed into this potent (and now) well-aged raw tea cake. Thick, smooth and complex with a nice bubbly cha qi makes this tea a must-have for lovers of semi-aged sheng. It's also an excellent example of how nice a clean dry-stored Guangdong raw pu-erh can be!
Limited Quantity
400 Grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
** Some wrappers may be bug-bitten with little holes in the paper. There may also be some dust between the wrapper and the cake. Rinse tea once or twice briefly before drinking! If you are squeamish please don't order this tea!
2006 Pressing