Yi Wu "Yi Bi Village" Wild Arbor Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake * Autumn 2017
This is small "farmer" production from a grower in "Yi Bi" village in Yi Wu area of Xishuangbanna. It's entirely late autumn harvested tea from wild arbor trees and bushes. Not old tea trees, just growing naturally without any kind of tending.
These cakes were stone pressed in November 2017 and are medium-light compression 250 gram cakes. The tea is so smooth and sweet. There is some fruitiness which is countered by just a touch of vegetal astringency. The tea soup is thick and viscous and gold-yellow colored. The aroma is floral with some fruit notes and very pungent! The tea is quite persistent and even with hot water and longer times will go many steeps!
250 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Grown and processed by Mr. Yang in Yi Bi Village
Autumn 2017 Harvested tea, November 10, 2017 pressing