Feng Qing Ye Sheng Hong Cha Wild Tree Purple Black Tea
This expertly fermented black tea was crafted using a wild tree purple leaf varietal from Feng Qing area of Lincang prefecture. This wild tree varietal grows wild in the mountainous areas west of Feng Qing township near the Da Si village at an altitude of 2000-2200 meters.
Ye Sheng "野生“ varietal aka "Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. assamica (J. Masters) Kitam." is a primeval varietal that pre-dates Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica and is a naturally occurring non-hybridized varietal. Its potency in cha qi arises from its unadulterated nature. It is naturally bug repellent and grows wild in the forests of Yunnan at an altitude of 1600-2200 meters.
A very lightly wilted and processed tea, the green in the leaves is still present and the tea soup is a golden yellow color, much different from the Dehong Wild tree black tea that we also offer. There is a hint of fruit, chocolate and barrel aged rum in the taste and aroma. An exquisite experience!
An incredibly rare tea, only 70 kilograms in total production!
Mid-March Harvested