2022 Yunnan Sourcing "Shi Pian Di' Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
We thought of offering this as another "Secret Garden" pressing, but instead we decided to keep the location of "Shi Pian Di" nameless. It's better sometimes just to appreciate good tea, without all the biases that come with knowing this, that and the other thing about a tea.
Just good raw pu-erh with plenty of "oomph" for aging!
Vintage: April 2022 material
Quantity: 50 kilograms in total
357 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Wrapper Design by Paige Allison
This is our 2nd year pressing this tea. We also pressed it in spring 2021:
2021 Yunnan Sourcing "Shi Pian Di' Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory and has passed the MRL limits for 404 pesticide residues as established by the EU Food and Safety commission. For more information about MRL testing and the EU Food and Safety commission click on this link.