2017 Yunnan Sourcing "San He Zhai" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
San He Zhai? Never heard of it? That's because it doesn't exist. Our San He Zhai (aka Three Harmonized Villages) tea cake is a blend of tea from three villages, entirely Spring 2017 harvested tea.
San He Zhai is a powerful tea that is intended for longer term aging. It has bitterness and astringency, but this is balanced by a textured, filling and lubricating mouth-feeling that stays with the drinker well after the tea session has ended. The aroma is strong and pungent and on a warm day will fill the room with it's nectar-like aroma. Being from old arbor and wild arbor tea trees the leaves are thick and stout and hold up well to multiple infusions. Stone pressed in the traditional manner , dried with low temperature drying process, individually wrapped in Dai minority hand-crafted paper and then meticulously packed into bamboo leaf tongs for collection and long-term storage. San He Zhai is a powerful blended tea cake composed of high quality material but priced affordably for those who wish invest in high quality tea.
Each cake is stone-pressed by traditional method and dried with low temperature air drying.
Each tong of 7 cakes is wrapped in bamboo leaf!
Tea weight: 400 grams
Vintage: Spring 2017 material
Quantity: 60 kilograms in total
Area: Huang Shan Mountain of Mengku County, Lincang Prefecture
Wrapper Design by Benjamin Denkert (Germany)
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory for 191 pesticides, and is within the EU MRL limits set for those 191 pesticide residues. For a full list of the 191 pesticides we tested for and more information about MRL testing and the EU Food and Safety commission click on this link.