Nannuo Mountain Raw Pu-erh Tea Sampler
Take a flight with Yunnan Sourcing to Nannuo Mountain! Taste a curated selection of raw pu-erh from Yunnan Sourcing Brand and Hai Lang Hao Brand Nannuo Mountian Raw Pu-erh Tea Cakes. Experience for yourself the distinct aroma, flavor and mouthfeel of the teas from the villages of Nan Nuo.
Yunnan Sourcing Brand was first produced in 2009! We select the finest Ripe and Raw Pu-erh teas from Yunnan province and offer them to our customers at a very reasonable price. Our Raw Pu-erh tea productions are produced mostly from single village or mountain sources in small batches. All our raw cakes are processed at every stage in the traditional method to ensure the best possible long term aging outcome! Yunnan Sourcing's mission is to bring high quality pu-erh teas to the customer at an affordable price.
Hai Lang's brand message in his own words: In 2003 I tried to officially register the label Ming Xiang Ya Yuan, which rolls off the tongue and invokes an image of a fragrant tea garden. However, this name had already been registered by someone else in a small teahouse in Beijing. I then tried lengthening the name to Ming Xiang Ya Yuan, but this too was already registered elsewhere. So I tried the name Hai Lang Hao (海浪号), which is my internet name, but this turned out to be registered by another company as well, even though I still use this name regularly. Actually, the official brand-name that my tea is currently registered under is Xiang Sui (香随) which I believe fits the characteristics of my tea the best. It means that the fragrance, taste and feeling given off by the tea tends to linger and follow you everywhere you go. My only real requirement for my teas is that it satisfies me, like I said earlier, by providing a pleasant feeling in the mouth and throughout the body. My goal is to simply produce good tea which is satisfying to the customer, so If I am able to do this successfully, that is enough for me.
Here's the 5 teas that you'll get in this sampler!