2017 Yunnan Sourcing "Yi Bang" Ancient Arbor Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
Entirely Old and Ancient Arbor tea from the Spring 2017 Harvest from Mi Bu village in the Yi Wu mountain range. Mi Bu village is in the area of Yi Bang township. It's a small village of about 15 households in small valley. The tea growing areas are about 10 minutes motorcyle track from the village in the nearby hills. Remote tea trees between 80 and 250 years old growing naturally on a very steep hillside among thickets of bamboo. The young bamboo is harvested too and made into soup by the locals or pickled with chilies!
Mi Bu tea is mostly large leaf assamica, the tea is strong with alot of bitterness and astringency for an Yi Wu tea. It's leaves are a deep olive-green color and stems are stout and thick. I used to think Gao Shan Zhai was the bitter Yi Wu tea, but Mi Bu tastes strong and more bitter than Gao Shan Zhai. This bitterness makes it an excellent candidate for long term aging.
Net Weight: 250 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Harvest time: April 2017
Harvest Area: Mi Bu (village), Yi Bang section of the Yi Wu mountain range, Meng La county of Xi Shuang Banna
Total Production amount: 80 cakes (20 kilograms)
Wrapper Design by "Monk Maximus" of the United States
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory for 191 pesticides, and is within the EU MRL limits set for those 191 pesticide residues. For a full list of the 191 pesticides we tested for and more information about MRL testing and the EU Food and Safety commission click on this link.