2007 Lincang "Grade 3" Loose Ripe Pu-erh tea
Lincang prefecture of Yunnan is home to many great teas! The tea from Lincang when fermented into Ripe Pu-erh (if done correctly) can become a very pleasurable tea! This is Grade 3 from a small tea factory in "Yun Xian" county of Lin Cang is so full of an earthy peat-like aroma, with a sweet thick after-taste. It is a medium to light fermentation ripe pu-erh, so still has plenty of room to change and develop into the future!
Grade 3 is used to de-note the leaf grade. Leaf grade is based on the size of the leaf. After the fermentation process is completed ripe pu-erh is separated into different grades. Each different leaf grade will impart a slightly different taste. When ripe tea cakes, bricks and tuos are pressed they are usually a blend of different leaf grades. Blending is used to bring more complexity to the overall taste of the finished product.
Leaf grades from smallest to largest: Gong Ting, Te Ji, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9.
Other by products of ripe fermentation might include: Zao Xiang Ye (or Cu Ye, large coarse leaf), Cha Tou (tea nugget), and small broken grade leaf which is often sold as a cheaper form of Gong Ting.
Production time: September 2007