2018 Spring Old Arbor Yue Guang Bai Tea Cake * 200 grams
Old arbor Jing Gu area camellia taliensis tea leaves were processed into this lovely lightly-wilted and then air-dried black/white tea and then pressed into these lovely 200 gram tea cakes.
Yue Guang Bai (Moonlight White) is a type of white tea that can also be processed more like a black tea (if allowed to wilt longer). Ā In the case of this Spring 2018 tea cake the processing allowed for more wilting giving the leaves a light brown color, and the tea soup a red color. Ā The taste is sugary and sweet with hints of flowers and lychee fruit. Ā If you smell the bottom of the cup or cha hai you may notice hints of red wine sweet and tannin smell!
Spring 2018 harvested tea
200 grams per cake, 5 cakes per tong
** picture of wrapper may differ slightly from actual wrapper!