Wild Tree Purple "Ye Sheng Cha" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake in Gifting Box
This is a blend of "Ye Sheng" (野生) purple varietal raw pu-erh from 2015 and 2016 spring growing near He Tao Di Village and Ku Zhu Mountain in Jinggu County of Simao. The tea was aged as mao cha and then pressed into this cakes at the end of 2017.
The tea is full-bodied and sweet, because the Purple Ye Sheng Cha was stored in Jinggu as mao cha for awhile the bitterness has transformed entirely, leaving a sweet and thick tea that is very smooth and satisfying to enjoy.
Each cake comes in the gifting box shown. In the middle of the box are the characters 普洱茶 (Pu er Cha), and there is a hand-stamp in red that says 荒山野韵 (Lonely Mountain, Wild Rhyme).
200 grams per cake
Each cake comes in the pictured gift box, there is no branding of any sort.