2011 Wild Tree Raw Pu-erh Tea Brick of Dehong
Dehong Purple Leaf varietal.
An incredibly fantastic raw Pu-erh made from Wild Pu-erh tree leaves that have a dark purple color. This 野生茶 (Wild Tea) is naturally dark in color.
The quality of the leaves and the meticulous processing ensures excellent storage and aging potential. The infused liquor is golden and is almost completely without bitterness. There is strong full taste in the mouth and a warm stimulating feel in the mouth and body after drinking this tea.
This tea brick is composed of entirely spring 2011 raw material from the exact same area as the 2005, 2008, and 2010 production. This year Yunnan Sourcing is proud to be the exclusive producer and distributor of this very special tea! We have produced just 400 bricks in total! This years production has been hand-stamped with the year "2011" to help us and you differentiate it from previous years.
Producer: Yunnan Sourcing
Vintage: Spring 2011
Production area: North-western area of Dehong county