2006 Jinggu "Nuo Mi Xiang" Rice Scent Ripe Pu-erh Tea Tuo
Most examples of rice scent herb and ripe tea are made from inferior ripe pu-erh leaves or are younger productions with less age. Here we have a tuo pressed in 2006 from Jinggu (Simao) area tea leaves blended with rice scent herb. The age has done a wonder on this tea, allowing the rice scent and ripe tea time to come together harmoniously.
Nuo Mi Xiang (糯米香 Semnostachya menglaensis H. P. Tsui) is the Chinese name for Sticky Rice Herb. Nuo Mi Xiang is a natural herb that grows in Yunnan and is often mixed in a very small ratio with ripe pu-erh tea to impart a sweet and glutinous rice taste to the tea.
2006 Pressing
250 Grams per tuo (4 tuo per bamboo leaf tong)