A unique dan cong with an excellent mouthfeel. It opens up with thick, creamy-floral notes and has just a pinch of tang to it. Reminds me a bit of green apples.
About halfway through the session, an unmistakable note of cinnamon oil starts to build, completely coating the mouth and throat. It reminded me of cinnamon apple sauce... so I we
...Read MoreRead more about A unique dan cong with an excellentnt to the fridge and opened up a cup of cinnamon apple sauce from Costco. The resemblance is uncanny. I got the same fragrance of cinnamon and apples from the leaves after my session was over.
With other dan cong, I would respectfully disagree with Scott on the notion that "when it's time to quit, it's time to quit" - but I think he's right about this one. It doesn't have the same finish as other cultivars... it's more of a sprint runner than a marathon runner. 8 grams of leaf returned 8 steeps. The last 2 steeps had to be pushed hard.
The mouthfeel is awesome, and the evolution of the aftertaste more than makes up for the lack of stamina. I get a nice 30-45 minute long aftertaste that is notably more oily and spicy than other dan cong. Surprising, considering the processing technique is so light, yet the mouthfeel is so powerful.
Leaf quality is great. Wholesome leaves, delicately processed into something tasty and special that every dan cong enthusiast should experience. This is also a great choice for beginners who want to explore the unique world of dan cong, because it is not nearly as temperamental as other cultivars. It's easy to brew, easy to drink, and easy to feel when you've crossed the finish line. Read LessRead less about A unique dan cong with an excellent