2010 Yunnan Sourcing "Autumn Jie Liang" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
This tea cake is made entirely from Autumn 2010 Jie Liang Village tea! Jie Liang is a Bu Lang Mountain village about 10 miles west of Lao Man'e village in the county of Menghai. Jie Liang tea is also bitter but with a sweet and full after-taste and a protracted mouth-feeling. It is an incredibly energetic tea with tons of character and depth. This is a tea we are confident will age well!
Our Autumn production is entitled "Autumn Aroma" (秋香), each cake is stone-pressed by traditional method and dried with low temperature air drying. The cakes are then wrapped in special paper that is very thick and sturdy. Handmade by Dai minority families in Xishuangbanna! Each tong of 7 cakes is wrapped in bamboo leaf!
Harvest: October 2010
Pressing date: December 2010
Quantity: 160 cakes in total produced (65 kg)
Area: Jie Liang village of Bu Lang mountains, Menghai county of Xishuangbanna