2022 Yunnan Sourcing "Lao Cha Tou" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Brick
Cha Tou is a kind of tea nugget that forms naturally from the pressures of compression and heat that occurs during the fermentation process. Typically during the fermentation process to make ripe pu-erh there is a pile of tea about 1 meter high. It is kept wet to allow the fermentation process and the pile is turned every few days to allow for an even degree of fermentation, moving the tea from the bottom of the pile (where it is hotter and wetter) to the top of the pile where it is cooler and drier. The "Cha Tou" are the leaves that ball up and get stuck together. The best Cha Tou are ones that have not been over-fermented and are smaller in size.
Our "Lao Cha Tou" brick is composed of a wet pile batch that was produced in Jinggu from a blend of Jinggu and Mengku harvested tea leaves in 2015. These two different source regionsĀ blended together makes for a nice full mouth-feel. Smooth, but with a lingering mouth-feel and cha qi. An excellent ripe tea that can be brewed many times and still retain an engaging flavor!
125 kilos in total were produced.
Net Weight: 250 grams per brick
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory forĀ 404 pesticides, and is within the EU MRL limits set for thoseĀ 404 pesticide residues. For a full list of the 404 pesticides we tested for and more information about MRL testing and the EU Food and Safety commissionĀ click on this link.