2023 Yunnan Sourcing "Xi Niu Tang Pasha" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
This is a first flush of Spring 2023 pluck from Pa Sha Mountain (帕沙山) is just south of Gelanghe in the southeast part of Menghai County (Xishuangbanna). Plucked from old arbor trees (100-200 years old) in Xi Niu Tang (犀牛塘), this was carefully hand-processed into sun-dried mao cha in April 2023.
The taste is strong and sweet, with a thick brine tea soup that is golden yellow in color. Long-lasting hui gan, and sweet after-taste that is classically Pa Sha!
250 grams per cake, 7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong!
40 kilograms in total (Just 160 cakes)
Area: Pasha Mountain area of Menghai County, Xishuangbanna
About Pasha Mountain:
Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According to local people, Pasha was settled more than 300 years ago by people from the Jinghong and Damenglong area of Xishuangbanna. At that time this area had no villages or cultivated land within 10 kilometers and was dominated by vast mountains filled with giant ancient tea trees. The Aini people, through foresight and diligent work,created their home on this land, relying on tea to earn a living. Pasha Ancient Tea Mountain is located in Menghai county to the Southwest of Gelanghe tea mountain. The highest elevation is 1850 meters, with an average of 1700 meters (the same as Lao Banzhang mountain). There are currently around 1000 acres of tea under cultivation. One hundred thirty years ago, the current Banzhang settlement was founded by residents of Pasha who moved there to cultivate tea. Pasha Ancient Tea Mountain is shrouded in fog year-round and features abundant rainfall. The tea producing area lies between 1600 and 1800m elevation and is in an area of luxuriant growth with rich ground cover and fertile soil. Tea tree growth is extremely productive, with an early budding period and long harvest periods,producing large healthy tea leaves with striking silver tips -- excellent quality tea. Pasha organic arbor tea is made from selected ancient arbor leaves grown at an elevation of 1700 meters on Pasha Ancient Tea Mountain in Menghai county.
Wrapper design created by Scott Wilson using Dall-e