2018 Yunnan Sourcing "Golden Bud" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake
This is a cake composed entirely of golden buds ripe pu-erh tea. Golden Bud (aka Jin Ya 金芽) is a fine tippy grade of ripe that is unique from gong ting and golden needle (jin zhen). It's typically very golden and and is comprised primarily of buds. The flavor is smooth, creamy, sweet, and fruity, with a slightly bitter dark chocolate after-finish.
Harvested from Lincang (Mengku) Spring 2017 tea leaves and then expertly wet piled in Menghai town in a small tea factory. The taste and aroma will improve gradually over the next decade or more. As the wet pile taste dissipates and the unique delicate character of this tea reveals itself, it will become one of the most unique and enjoyable ripe pu-erhs in your collection!
Weight: 357 Grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Pressed in August 2018
Wrapper Design by Simon Osten
Limited to just 140 kilograms in total (392 cakes)
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory for 191 pesticides, and is within the EU MRL limits set for those 191 pesticide residues. For a full list of the 191 pesticides we tested for and more information about MRL testing and the EU Food and Safety commission click on this link.