Brewed in silver teapot with porcelain cup so the tea isn't "smoothed out" in any way. The first few steeps are intense and remind me of the flavor of strawberries and raspberries without the sweetness. I think there are some florals in there too, that become more pronounced a minute after you swallow when the fruit begins to dissipate. In those f
...Read MoreRead more about Brewed in silver teapot with porcelainirst steeps I really noticed a drying of the sides of the mouth which I haven't experienced recently with my teas. The after taste really reminds me of a berry medley without the sweet highs, and it just lasts and lasts on the tongue, which by the way is quite dry at this point. Definitely has some bitterness to it, but I do quite fast steeps as I don't think I'd like this tea pushed too much in these initial steeps. If pushed I'd bet the bitter and astringency would overpower (maybe clay would help with that). As I write this the taste this tea has left in my mouth just seems to continue to linger and change though my mouth is very dry. It is quite wonderful. Alright, five minutes have past (at least) and now my mouth is just left with dryness so onto another cup! Yeah, in the mouth the tea is smooth, but the best part really comes after you have swallowed it, when your mouth dries out and you get this mix of flavors. This is definitely a tea to play with the brewing parameters too! If you don't have time to focus on this tea I'd say find something else to drink , as you are going to miss some of this tea's best attributes. I'm at later steeps now, 1 min, 1.5 mins, etc and the astringency has died down significantly while the flavor is milder and more floral. Oh, is that some woodiness now? Sorry for this stream of conciousness, but partway through this tea I just felt like I had to leave a review. When I started this session I wasn't sure if I'd be into it, as recently I have been vibing with Yiwu, Jinggu, and Jing Mai, and had kind of written off this Menku/Lincang. I'm glad I tried this because I absolutely enjoyed this session. If a sign of five star tea is that when you are finished with your session you are left with anticipation of the next with it, then this is a five star tea. Man, if you mix the initial fruit and florals with some aged notes and cut out that initial astringency then this may just age to become out of this world. Read LessRead less about Brewed in silver teapot with porcelain