Dry: warm, honey, brown sugar, molasses.
After 1st wash: vegetal, herbal, slightest bit earthy
Tasting notes
1st steep: light, floral, honey aftertaste, slight astringency on finish.
2nd steep: more pronounced, slight sour/citrus body
3rd steep: tea is fully opened. Brown sugar sweet smell is readily a
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Dry: warm, honey, brownpparent. Thick, coats mouth. Long finish
4th steep: same
5th steep: requires slightly longer steep time. 20-30 seconds. Previous steeps were 5-10. Floral notes more pronounced now.
6th steep: vegetal notes more prevalent
7th steep: tea beginning to fade. Good stopping point for cold brewing or in a rush
8th steep: requires much longer steep. Maybe a minute. Lighter in color and flavor
9th steep: light sweetness.
10th steep: 3+ minutes. Very little flavor. Tea is done.
Number of steeps: 10
Buy again: Yes
Overall I really liked this tea and would purchase it again. It was a daily drinker for a while while I was WFH, though about halfway through the cake I decided to pace myself and savor it a bit more. So I switched to weekend brewing. This would probably be one of my favorite cakes from YS, second only to 2017 Autumn Wa Long Village Yi Wu Old Arbor Cake Read LessRead less about Nose:
Dry: warm, honey, brown