2015 Bao He Xiang "Year of the Goat" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
This is the "Year of Goat" version of Bao He Xiang's "Shi Er Sheng Xiao" (12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac) series. Each year is a different blend that reflects the unique character of the animal. Li Wen Hua has blended this cake from 2014 spring and autumn material from the Xishuangbanna region of Yunnan.
The formula of this tea embodies the characteristics of throat rhyme, softness, sweetness, and floral fragrance, while also delivering thickness, stamina, and stability. This tea is soft and full-bodied, with a bitter base and firmness.
Li Wen Hua is a long time Pu-erh veteran, he's been producing pu-erh for Xinghai Tea Factory (1996-2004) and then later worked for the Menghai Tea Factory as a master tea blender from 2004 to 2008. Several Da Yi brand ripe and raw blends can be credited to Li Wen Hua. In 2011 Li Wen Hua founded the Bao He Xiang 宝和祥 Brand of Pu-erh Tea with a distinct focus on creating high quality blended ripe and raw pu-erhs as well as single mountain blends as well. Bao He Xiang is a relatively small brand with productions ranging from 250 kilograms to 2000 kilograms in total.
357 Grams per cake
2014 Spring and Autumn Harvested Tea pressed in 2015.
** Some wrappers may be bug-bitten with little holes in the paper. There may also be some dust between the wrapper and the cake. Rinse tea once or twice briefly before drinking! If you are squeamish please don't order this tea!