I've tried Ba Xian in the past but never like this. The depth of flavor is incredible and the clarity between the layers is astonishing. The evolution of the flavor profile is on point from beginning to end - there is a lot of complexity which makes it feel like there is so much to explore here. This is very good dan cong. If you usually need 3-5
...Read MoreRead more about I've tried Ba Xian in the past butsessions to get to know a tea, I would say give this one 5-10 instead because the more you brew the more you find... or maybe you need 53 sessions, one for each distinct aromatic molecule?
7 grams of leaf, RO water, and a 140mL Chaozhou "Long Xian" teapot is the basis for this review.
Warm rinse @ 140*F for 10 seconds brings out notes of freshly baked banana bread, very warm and nutty with some floral undertones that are reminiscent of, presumably, white magnolia. It's clean and sweet, like fresh-cut flowers. I drink the wash, it's superb.
In the cup, the flavor profile opens up along the same lines - it's got some nutty, fruity, and floral characteristics that start to build in their strength and clarity in the first 2-3 cups, which are 15 seconds, 20 seconds, and 30 seconds respectively for the first, second, and third cups.
As I continue to work my way through the session, a prominent and unmistakable note of ripe mangoes appears. Later infusions (by the 6th cup) evoke a creamy banana note - somewhere between the actual flavor and the kind of mouthfeel bananas have (texture of the starches). There's some nutmeg-like spice that contrasts against the smooth and sweet fruity notes. As it melts away, it reveals a deeply floral aftertaste that reminds me of something between jasmine, gardenia, and magnolia flower.
As this tea thins out near the end, I cannot wash the flavor of mangos out. There's just tons and tons of ripe mango permeating every droplet of this soup. The mouthfeel gets thinner but the sweetness gets stronger, and the floral aftertaste continues to build.
Cha qi is impressive - it reminds me of strong hash. It hits hard and does not let up. Around the 4th and 5th cup I thought I was feeling it, but by the 7th and 8th cups I realized this cha qi has more torque than a twin-turbo V12 - it just does NOT stop, the longer you steep the more you pull out of these leaves. I feel it in my head, behind my eyes, and every time I blink I swear the fluid that lubricates my eyes is this tea. Ba Xian is in my tear ducts!!!
I always get 10-ish cups from every session. This tea was so good I had to order more... and when my Jiang Mu runs out, it's very likely I will hoard all of this so that no other mortal can experience this besides me. Only joking, of course, I think everybody should try this at least once, twice, or 53 times. Read LessRead less about I've tried Ba Xian in the past but