Sun-Dried "Yue Guang Ya Bao" Purple Tea of Dehong * Spring 2018
This is a unique wild purple tea from Dehong that was plucked in early March near Liang He area of Dehong (Yunnan). It's a pure bud pluck, and the buds are large and long. After plucking, the tea is sun-dried. No other processing is done, making this a very primitive style of tea. The color is a purple green color when dry and once brewed the color of the tea is green with hints of purple and red.
The taste is super smooth and sweet, with a big mouth-feel and strong hui gan. There is little bitterness, but a slight vegetal and floral aspect which is a very pleasant counterpoint to the long-lasting sweetness this tea delivers.
Incredibly unique tea that has never been offered before!
March 2018 harvest!
26 kilograms available in total