2020 Cha Nong Hao "Meng Song Village" White Tea Cake
Entirely spring 2020 harvested tea from pure assamica bushes growing in Meng Song village. Meng Song village is northwest from the Nan Nuo mountains and is a very famous tea producing area in Menghai County of Xishuangbanna.
This is a fruity and sweet (like sugarcane juice) white tea that will improve wonderfully with age. Thick and viscous, it will go many steeps!
Cha Nong Hao Brand (lit. Tea Farmer Brand 茶农号) is a small project of Ms. Guo, a Yunnan local tea aficionado. She's been involved in the Pu-erh tea world for many years but is finally doing her own small batch pressings of ripe and raw pu-erh teas that she has sourced through her many travels in the tea mountains of Yunnan!
April 2020 Harvest (pressed in December 20th, 2020)
250 Grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
The 2018 Pressing is available here.
The 2019 Pressing is available here.